Fruitful Meeting between the European Union Delegation in #Mali , Cluster Digital Africa , and Unio


Fruitful Meeting between the European Union Delegation in #Mali , Cluster Digital Africa , and Union Global Academy at CFP-CIRTIC

Following an exceptional visit to CFP-CIRTIC, the #European #Union delegation, led by Sarah Mokri, program manager for the stabilization and infrastructure section, continued their fruitful discussions with the President of Cluster Digital Africa, Mr. Amadou Diawara, and the General Coordinator of the Cluster and Union Global Academy, Mr. DjiBriL MBO.

Highlights of the Meeting:

Enhanced Support for Education: The European Union delegation, after their visit to CFP-CIRTIC, reaffirmed their commitment to education by discussing initiatives with Cluster Digital Africa and Union Global Academy.

Strategic Partnership: The President of Cluster Digital Africa emphasized the strategic partnership with the EU delegation and Union Global Academy, highlighting synergies to support CFP-CIRTIC in its development of professional training.

Combatting Brain Drain: Cluster Digital Africa, with the support of the European Union, reiterated its commitment to providing European training from Mali, aiming to counteract the brain drain from Africa and aligning its goals with the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs).

This meeting marks a significant step toward strengthened collaboration between the European Union, Cluster Digital Africa, and CFP-CIRTIC, fostering quality education and development opportunities for youth in Africa.

For more information on Cluster Digital Africa's initiatives, please visit


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