The Cluster Digital Africa is extremely honored to announce the appointment of two of its most dedic


The Cluster Digital Africa is extremely honored to announce the appointment of two of its most dedicated and esteemed members as Honorary Vice Presidents. Yassine Bouhara and Ouahid ABASSI have long been pillars of CDA, dedicating three years of their lives to our shared mission.


Their outstanding contribution, unwavering commitment, and invaluable expertise have been of paramount importance to our organization. In recognition of their hard work, dedication, and impact on CDA, it is with immense pride that we welcome them to the governance of the Cluster Digital Africa Digital Africa.


This appointment is not only a testament to their current dedication but also a reflection of our confidence in their ability to significantly shape the future of CDA. It is a reflection of our appreciation for their exceptional contribution over the past three years and our hope that they will continue to propel our organization to new heights.


Ouahid ABASSI, as the President of the Humanitarian Action Commission, has been working tirelessly on a groundbreaking project in the field of healthcare, a key mission for CDA. His relentless efforts are on the cusp of realizing this vision and marking a pivotal turning point for our organization.


Yassine, with his invaluable international expertise, is well-positioned to further strengthen CDA, opening new opportunities and perspectives for our organization on the global stage.


President Amadou Diawara and Honorary President Kaci - Kacem AITYALLA extend their heartfelt congratulations to Ouahid for his exemplary work within the Commission, and they eagerly await the tangible results to come. They are also excited to see how Yassine will leverage his experience to advance CDA on the international scene.


This appointment is a significant milestone in the history of the Cluster Digital Africa, reflecting our commitment to excellence and our confidence in a bright future for our organization. We warmly applaud Yassine and Ouahid for their achievements and look forward to the future successes they will bring to CDA.


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Autres talk du CDA