Press Release from Cluster Digital Africa and its Scientific Council The President of Cluster Digit


Press Release from Cluster Digital Africa and its Scientific Council

The President of Cluster Digital Africa Amadou Diawara the Scientific Council extend warm congratulations to the organizers of the inaugural edition of the #AFRICA #SOFT #SKILLS #FORUM in #Dakar, a groundbreaking event dedicated to the significance of soft skills for the development of human capital in Africa, organized by Doxaliin Africa.

Exceptional Vision and Commitment

We commend with admiration the exceptional vision and commitment of Kalidou Abdallah SY and Bocar Laurent SY in fostering the well-being of African youth. Their remarkable work has shed light on the crucial importance of interpersonal skills and has provided unique opportunities for personal and professional development to numerous participants.

A Significant Step towards the Transformation of #Human #Capital in Africa

This event marks a significant step towards the transformation of human capital in Africa by emphasizing the acquisition of essential skills in the workplace. It is imperative to continue supporting and promoting such initiatives that pave the way for a brighter future for our youth.

Cluster Digital Africa Available to Support Such Events

Cluster Digital Africa is available to meet the needs and support similar initiatives aimed at #developing skills and opportunities for African youth. Together, we encourage the continuous evolution of the African professional landscape.





#AfricanYouth #Africa #Mali #Algerie #Paris #NewYork #Microsoft #Afrique #Afrique #Europe #Amérique #Mali #Nigeria #Algérie #Sénégal #France #Guinée #EtatsUnis #Berlin #Paris #bamako #conakry #dakar #abidjan


#EducationEnAfrique #FormationProfessionnelle #EnseignementEnLigne #UGA #ClusterDigitalAfrica #RenforcementDesCompétences #ValeurÉducative #InnovationÉducative #AvenirDeLÉducation #AccèsÀLÉducation #EnseignementSupérieur #Virtuel #ÉducationEnLigne #Bachelor #Masters #MBA #ValidationDesAcquis #FormationEnAfrique #JeunesseAfricaine #LeadershipÉducatif #OpportunitésDApprentissage #DéveloppementAfricain #InnovateursAfricains #UGAEnAfrique

#ClusterDigitalAfrica #SoftSkills #HumanCapital #ProfessionalDevelopment #AfricanYouth #ProfessionalTransformation


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