Within five years, given the rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence, the models currently considered to be at the cutting edge of technology will have become obsolete. The next generation of artificial intelligence, employing new approaches to AI such as unsupervised learning, federated learning and the Transformer model, will open up currently unimaginable possibilities in technology, and therefore development. The community in the age of collective intelligence. political community, national community, Corporate community, virtual community, Community of ideas, community of practices… We could go on as the list is long. This term is used in contexts as diverse as each other, to designate collectives with very different vocations and modes of organization. But then, what reality does this term cover? Are there properties common to all communities? And above all, how to bring a community to life, and allow it to multiply its impact? So we have set up at (CIRTIC) Center for Innovation in Technological Research and Creative Industry www.cirtic the Cluster Digital Africa but above all I invite you to join us on Digital Africa Cluster, a collective intelligence platform that joins the useful to the pleasant https://clusterdafrica.com/.