"It is wonderful to learn that Mrs. Ahoua Idrissa Ly, Vice Secretary-General of the CDA and Associate and Executive Officer of Digital Frameworks, had the pleasure of representing our organization at the workshop on mobilizing women leaders. This workshop, initiated by CIPE (Center for International Private Enterprise) through their Mali focal point, Mrs. Aissata Toure Coulibaly, aimed to identify the constraints and opportunities for the full participation of women in the overall development of the country.
The workshop's objective was to bring together around twenty women leaders from various sectors to exchange insights on the challenges and opportunities within their respective domains.
This was an excellent opportunity for us to highlight the actions taken by the CDA and to identify constraints and opportunities for the full participation of women in the overall development of Sahel countries, particularly in the digital ecosystem. We extend our warm thanks to CIPE for the invitation and eagerly look forward to future workshops and opportunities for collaboration and idea exchange."