Congratulations to Professor Amal EL FALLAH - SEGHROUCHNI, Honorary President of the Cluster Digital Africa and a member of the Scientific Council, for her outstanding presentation at the International Conference #ICBDAIA'23, which took place in Laâyoune on November 4th and 5th. Her speech, titled "Artificial Intelligence, a Lever for the Development of the African Continent," was a compelling plea for the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and data sciences on our continent.
The message she delivered about the importance of AI for Africa and the R&D initiatives within the Ai Movement, the International AI Center at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University UM6P - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, was truly inspiring. Furthermore, her partnership with UNESCO to strengthen AI capabilities across the continent is an example of her dedication and vision for Africa.
We take pride in the honor she received from Mr. Hamid Ould Errachid, President of Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra. This recognition is well-deserved.
A heartfelt thank you to the organizers, researchers, students, and especially to Professor Tkatek Said for his contribution to this exceptional event. We are confident that Professor Amal's work and dedication will continue to significantly contribute to the advancement of AI in Africa.
Please accept our warmest congratulations and our gratitude for your ongoing commitment to the field of artificial intelligence. The Cluster Digital Africa is honored to have such an exceptional leader on its team.